Economic Indicator PROJECT NUMBER 2
Please note that my original project had to confiscated due to resent events and the context of my paper, sorry for the inconvenience.
Economic indicators are statistics about the economy that allow analysis of economic performance and the shaping of management and policy making. The noticeable importance of an economic indicator is that it has the power to shape future policies. Thus, we would hope that the economic indicator is as accurate as can be. My stipulation in this research is that it is not a matter of accuracy, but rather a manipulated accuracy that exists within the indicator realm of policy making and managing. This is not a popular form of analysis when looking at the specific use of economic indicators within a project.
In order to fully understand, we must first look at economic indicators through an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary analysis (i.e. how they are formed, applied and influenced). Then we will apply these ideas to a project proposal I started in
Please note that the complete translated version of the project is available upon request, but in congruence to the project it is not necessary.
Systematical Accuracy vs. Theoretical Accuracy
The means as to how and what an indicator develops and measures can theoretically be analyzed as accurate standard guidelines. Depending on what theoretical background is being considered, these guidelines can be helpful or systematically inaccurate.
Economic indicators are created under a set of rules and characteristics. Typical characteristics are: specificity, measurability, usability, sensitivity, availability and cost effectiveness. Specificity means that the economic indicator must clearly relate to outcomes that are being sought. Measurability refers to the numerical aspect of the indicator. In other words, it must be a quantitative value. Usability of the indicator says that it must have and provide help or usage in terms of guiding management and/or policy. It Usability must change as circumstances change; it must be sensitive to change. Availability implies that it must be a relatively easy and obvious task to collect the necessary data for the indicator, no matter the type of data. The most confusing characteristic is the cost effective characteristic. This portrayssuggests that an economic indicator should not be expensive to obtain.[1]
More in depth, one of the goals of this research was to exploit these simplified characteristics. The act of creating an indicator under these characteristics lies on the governmental need for a standard. Bureaus and other governmental departments often assume an indicator can be applied anywhere around the world where there is a common situation that needs an indicator to produce change and outcome. This is also known as westernization, where the west applies their ideas that function specifically in the west to other parts of the world, in which these ideas may not be applicable. The governmental institutions produce a standard indicator so they can easily compare and contrast world happenings. This procedure is cheap and makes the information available, specific, measurable, and usable; thus, making it ideal for a governmental indicator analysis department.
An indicator is there to indicate progression and problems. With this in mind, we can notice that indicators tend to leave out a few expensive values. Expensive data tends to fall under the category of specific and time consuming research. Current neoliberal influence on indicators relies on data within the market. The market as far as consumption and commodity is concerned. In other words, the questionable systematic approach to the accuracy of data does not count things like women’s work or peasant economic activity. Basically, the system manipulates information to get it to measure what they need to be measured, if something is worthy of being counted but is too hard and expensive to research then it is left out.
A specific example is Gross Domestic Product; which measures:
The Human Development Index (
Let us get specific again with
What use is
Note another problem that arises is time intervals of measurement, given that all countries suffer an element of inflation. As Morse explains it, the prices of goods tend to increase with time, though slower in some countries than others. When looking at
The quality of data upon which a calculation is based is perhaps not given the attention that it should receive. Poor quality inputs can give an unreliable output. With this output it is obliging at times to accept the figures at face value and not question the accuracy of the calculation. If
The question at this point in the research is who defines these characteristics of indicators and who decides what should and should not be counted? The actual coordinators of data are organizations such as the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, European Union, etc. Indicators reflect the people who create and use them.
In light of this class, economic development itself is the originating cause of inequality with in indicators. Looking further into post-colonial economic theory, economic development was a concept that had arisen after WWII by powerful countries. Economic development is shaped by the indicators that verify there is a need for change. So, the foundation of indicators was based off of the powerful countries that geared change. Such happenings can be seen in the MDGs. The United States
We can apply a few economic theories to this situation. Post-colonial theory hinders on the presumption that the “who” are the colonial powers that shaped policy and managed development after World War II.[8] Feminist theory sees the “who” as a person of the influence in male dominancy.[9] Another theory, Marxism, points to the “who” as being the capitalist or someone who acts in the interest of a capitalist. This entails that the capitalist or the person with the power of means of production is suppressing the worker through these regulations. With these theories in mind we can conjure that the “who” is not recognized or considered in the analysis of current economic indicators. This creates a contradiction.
It is not being argued that economic indicators are completely miscalculated. The indicators do not accurately and fully measure what they are trying to represent. The use of economic indicators is vastly relied on to explain management and policy incentive. Ergo, if the goal is accuracy and future prediction then economic indicators must be the place to start.
So, what happens if these future predictions are not theoretically accurate? Suppose that the government was under the pretense that the economy will be booming in six months, and this announcement was based on false data. Oh and Waldman revamped a series of leading economic indicators to test this hypothesis that such an announcement would have a positive effect on future activity. According to Oh and Waldman, during the time period 1976-1988 the expected shocks measured by economic indicator revisions explain over twenty percent of the fluctuation in the quarterly growth rate of industrial production.[10] So, if the government followed this idea of implying more specific economic indicators, which is what Oh and Waldman did, then future predictions would be more accurate and timely evident.
Overall, economic indicators spell out future policy making, which directly affects each human that lives under those policies. Therefore, economic indicators should not be composed to create a universal standard of measurement but rather a nonstandard set of data that exhibits the actual happenings. As shown earlier, we can analyze why we have such limitations with in the economic sector of indicators. Theoretically, what is being counted depends on who controls the values calculated, trust.
Project Analysis
Now that we have looked at big picture ideas of manipulation in economic indicators, we can analyze a specific proposal in order to see how policy managers and project makers use the standard basis in their favor. In other words, how project managers manipulate indicators to support their proposals.
In February 2006 I was volunteering for los voluntarios de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba. We started working on a project to improve the alternative energy sources of rural towns, specifically, installing solar panels into ten family’s homes.
Initially, I the foreign Interdisciplinary Studies major was quite excited about working on a project that dealt with under-developed areas outside of my country. So, I joined a team of young researchers to conjure a proposal on our ideas.
A convincing proposal is key when trying to gain the financial support of an organization or organizations. For an organization to be interested in your project one needs to have supporting figures or economic indicators and objectives which prove that the project has to be executed for the better good of the beneficiary. Thus, we worked hard on finding influential sources to support our project. This is where I got curious.
I began to notice the characteristics mentioned earlier in forming an indicator. The economic indicators clearly relate to outcomes that are being sought, even if important factors were left out. Usability, availability, most efficient, and specificity were the affordable guidelines for finding good supporting indicators.
The best way to go about showing this within the project is to translate the objectives and indicators that lead to these objectives and then further expand on them within the project.
Before we go through the proposal and translate certain parts and then describe how indicators were made and manipulated into “benefiting” these rural areas, please keep in mind that I personally finished the project without being in Córdoba. This is very beneficial to my research, because I can really exploit the manipulation of the proposal.
A few things to look for in this proposal are: the lack of numerical indicators, the fact that the proposal does not mention who the families are until the very end (which is almost inexistent), and notice that the entire proposal does not take into consideration the social position of these communities. Will the solar systems be sold on the black market? What protection is provided? Once the solar systems are installed, will the families be able to fix them or will they have to pay money they do not have to fix them? These are all aspects of the project that economic indicators skirt-tail.
Voluntarios Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
(Volunteers of the University)
Grupo Voluntario Agua de las Piedras y Ongamira
Voluntarios Universidad Católica de Córdoba (the group I am a part of)
Córdoba, marzo de 2006
Autor: Grupo Voluntario Agua de las Piedras y Ongamira. Voluntarios Universidad Católica de Córdoba (VUCC). Vicerrectorado de Medio Universitario. Universidad Católica de Córdoba[11].
Resumen ejecutivo
En plena época de despliegue tecnológico, aun existen habitantes que no cuentan con energía eléctrica, careciendo de esta manera de las distintas oportunidades y ventajas que hace la existencia de la energía eléctrica. Pasar de condiciones de vida menos favorables a más favorables, son aspectos que determinan un proceso de Promoción Humana. La posibilidad de contar con un recurso eléctrico en esta zona marginal
Executive summary
In full force to unfold technology, there exists inhabitants that do not have electric power, missing out on the different opportunities and advantages that exists when you have electric power. Passing from living conditions less favorable to more favorable, are aspects that determine a process of Human Promotion. The possibility to include an electric resource in this north marginal zone of the
This is the original statement given by our group to the council of los voluntarios. From this statement we automatically assume that everything is necessary and in need of immediate action. But, what I must point out is that the northern zones that we studied were the zones with the highest crime rates. We never went into detail about how dangerous it would be for these families to have electricity, because everyone else would want it. But the economic indicator here in the summary identifies that there is a lack of technological support and for that these systems need to be installed.
I add in the project how we can incorporate security within and how the entire community may benefit from the solar panels, thus lessening the chances of criminal activity.
Antecedentes. (Precedings)
1. Diagnóstico
Los beneficiarios directos de este proyecto son 10 familias de pequeños productores que viven en la zona rural de los parajes de Todos los Santos, Puerta del Cielo y Ongamira, situados en el departamento Ischilín de la provincia de Córdoba, distante
En cuanto a la situación general de la zona, en términos de recursos, situación laboral, servicios, etc. podemos señalar lo siguiente:
Capacidades y recursos humanos: los niveles de ingreso de los habitantes de la zona son muy bajos. La actividad laboral desarrollada por los jefes de familia está vinculada con el empleo informal (trabajo esporádico) y en pocos casos se trata de trabajo permanente. La figura
La subsistencia de los grupos familiares está también asociada al desarrollo de actividades económicas complementarias en los mismos hogares: cría de cerdos, gallinas, huertas y en algunos casos pequeñas quintas. Esta actividad raramente contribuye a aumentar el ingreso familiar, pero ayudan a variar y auto sostener los hábitos alimentarios.
The direct beneficiaries of this project are 10 families of small producers that live in the rural zones Todos los Santos and Puerta del Cielo y Ongamiram, which are situated in Ischilín province of Córdoba, distant 35 km. of the locality of Jesús María.
As for the general situation of the zone, in terms of resources, labor situation, services, etc. we can indicate the following things:
Capacities and Human Resources: the income levels of the inhabitants of the zone are very low. The labor activity developed by the leaders of family is linked with the informal employment (sporadic work) and in few cases is a matter of permanent work. The occupation of being a field worker in the changa is the clearest indicators. The women scarcely have occupation out of the home. By these motives, among others, the rates of unemployment are high.
The subsistence of the family groups is also associated to the development of complementary economic activities in the same home: hogs, chickens, gardens and in some cases small quintas. This rarely contributes to increase the family income, but they do help maintain good eating habits.
Mientras tanto la atención primaria de la salud se centraliza en el dispensario de Aguas de las Piedras o de Cañada del Río Pinto. La toxoplasmosis y la parasitosis (interna y externa) son endémicas. Además aparecen
No se encontró hidatidosis y VDRL, sí algunos casos de brucelosis. Se han detectado también en la visión (ceguera) que se sospecha son de origen congénito. Cabe destacar y con respecto a este último tema que
En la población infantil predominan las enfermedades respiratorias. En general los niños están bien nutridos y han accedido a planes de vacunación completos. En los adolescentes el problema más frecuente es el de los embarazos precoces, de hecho la planificación familiar y el control de la natalidad son casi imposibles de llevar a cabo. Los controles ginecológicos son poco probables de realizar.
Los dispensarios funcionan una vez por semana, la atención es gratuita y casi con normalidad se provee de los remedios a los pacientes. Desde el Voluntariado, se ha promovido distintas campañas dentales y oftalmológicas, esta última mediante el equipo de los Dres. Julio y Enrique Urrets Zavalía del Centro de
La educación es un indicador que muestra importantes deficiencias en toda la zona. Hay un gran número de adultos mayores que nunca asistió a la escuela.
El proceso de emigración (campo-ciudad) se ha intensificado con los años, sobretodo de la población joven.
This is a bit difficult to translate, so I am going to give you a brief overview. Basically, Aguas de las Piedras and Cañada del Río Pinto are the only sources of AID disbursement for the northern zone. Thus, dental, nutritional, mental, and sexual health is very poor in this region.
The education is an indicator that shows important deficiencies in the entire zone. There are a great number of older adults that never attended the school of health.
The process of emigration (field-city) has intensified with the years, especially the young population.
At this point my research is bas off of what we were researching before I left and the interviews with my partners in April. We talked a lot about the health issues due to unemployment and how electrical power will improve that. This is a clear indicator (said Graciela) that this area needs electrical power to better increase their ability to obtain jobs. By supplying these groups with electrical power more jobs will form and people will thus be healthier; which might have been the case, except 7 of the 10 families already had some source of electricity, though very poor. They failed to mention this because it would take away the immediate appeal of need for installation, because these people already have electricity.
At this point we could consider the different factors appearing: 70 % of the families targeted by this project already had some source of energy supply.
Infraestructura habitacional y de servicios: la mayoría de los hogares son viviendas construidas con adobe, presentando índices elevados de precariedad. También existen viviendas que resultan inadecuadas por su tamaño, generando niveles de hacinamiento.
El problema
El servicio de transporte es limitado y poco frecuente.
En cuanto a la instalación de los paneles, podemos decir que las casas de la zona cuentan
Las causas de este problema son, entre otras, que los pobladores no cuentan con una adecuada iluminación para desarrollar sus actividades en horario nocturno, no tienen experiencia en el uso y manejo de la corriente eléctrica y hay una carencia total de medios económicos y técnicos, teniendo en cuenta que se requiere de grandes inversiones para acceder a un medio de energía alternativa.
Housing Infrastructure and Services: the majority of the homes are shacks built with adobe, presenting high indices of precariousness. Also, shacks exist that turn out to be inadequate by their size, generating levels of overcrowding. The water problem is constant in all of the visited zones, the families do not have running water and when they do have water it is undrinkable. In general they use water from the river, ditches, streams or wells, which is very clean.
The service of transportation is limited and infrequent.
As for the installation of the boards, we can say that the houses in the zone act like unique systems of candle light, lamps and lanterns. The half-light to which the families are exposed to currently generates deterioration in the vision of the people, physical and causes psychic fatigue (visual efforts al to sew, to weave or to spin), economic expenses that impact in the search of fuel, caused domestic accidents by fire (occasional) due to the dripping of wax or broken lanterns.
The causes of this problem are, among others, is that the settlers did not include adequate lighting to develop during the nocturnal schedule, do they not have experience in the use and management of the electric current and is there a total lack of technical and economic media, keeping in mind, that is required to obtain large investments in alternative energy.
I added this part, because I felt that this group of people was not consciously trying to stoop someone into funding a useless project. I am merely taking into consideration the different ways by which we bureaucratic peoples approach AID.
AID is good, but all needs to be considered. For example, in this case the fact that there already exist electrical systems needs to be considered. Those systems could sustainablly contribute to the new solar panels. Or maybe these systems are easily repaired or updated. These are interdisciplinary aspects that need to be considered.
2. Causas del Problema y esfuerzos del grupo a tal efecto
La atención del equipo de oculistas a la gente de la zona, determinaron que gran parte de las mismas tienen problemas visuales; entre otras causas debido al esfuerzo que éstas deben hacer por la falta de una iluminación adecuada en las viviendas. Las casas de la zona rural, cuentan
Las causas de este problema radican en:
· Que los pobladores no cuentan con una adecuada iluminación para desarrollar sus actividades en horario nocturno.
· No tienen experiencia alguna en el uso y manejo de la corriente eléctrica.
· Carencia total de medios económicos y técnicos[13].
2. The Causes of the Problems and the effects the group intakes.
The attention of the team of oculists to the people of the zone, determined that they have visual problems with out good light; among other causes due to the lack of adequate lighting in the shacks. The houses of the rural zone count as unique system of lighting, the candles, lamps and lanterns to kerosene.
Then I go on to recognize the lack in produce and the danger of using this product. The causes of this problem situate in:
• That the settlers didn’t include adequate lighting to develop their activities in nocturnal schedule.
• The DO NOT have any experience in the use and management of the electric current.
• Total Lack of technical and economic media.
As mentioned previously these are all indicators that reside within economic status and ability, but without mention of local need.
On that note, the following is the conclusion and implementation of the solar panel project using the acknowledged indicators and manipulated accuracy.
El interés general por los problemas energéticos y en especial por la energía solar se ha acrecentado en los últimos años. La energía solar es, con mucho, la más atractiva de las fuentes energéticas alternativas
Las ventajas de
La vida útil de un panel solar es
Es decir, que las tareas de mantenimiento de este equipo se reducen a la limpieza del panel cuando sea necesario, una revisión del estado de cables, bornes, etc., el posible cambio de una lámpara, y el control del nivel de líquido de la batería. Todos trabajos simples en los que no se necesitan personas especializadas.
No existen otros programas locales que estén desarrollando instalaciones de paneles solares en poblaciones marginales en el norte de Córdoba.
Procurar mejoras en la calidad de vida de los pobladores es el pilar de la acción de este grupo de voluntarios. La utilización de energías alternativa, en consideración la energía solar, implica un cambio significante en la población rural ya que no han manipulado ni conocen los usos de la energía eléctrica. Contar con iluminación nocturna y permitir la realización de distintas actividades domésticas, cambiará sin duda distintos hábitos de los pobladores, acercándolos a beneficios significativos.
The general interest in these energy problems, specifically in solar energy, has increased in recent years. The solar energy is the more attractive of the alternative energy sources of the future, not only by being clean and free, but also by its abundance and its interminable character to human scale. The advantages of the Solar Energy are many, but mainly the ecological one; who dedicates its efforts to the preservation of the environment seen from the different dangers that implies the continuous and excessive use of coal, petroleum and its by-products. The energy of the Sun, in its diverse forms, is eternally renewable.
The useful life of a solar board is 20 years and they require no maintenance, something very sought after, because it is found far from any distributor of replacements and appropriate labor.
That is to say, that the tasks of this team are reduced to the cleaning of the board when necessary, a revision of the state of cables, terminals, etc., the possible change of a lamp, and the control of the level of liquid of the battery; which will all be taught upon installation.
No other local programs exist that are developing installations of solar boards in marginal populations in northern Córdoba …
El Processo. (My ideal Process)
This is the rest of the project that I made based off of the realization of economic indicator manipulation. Even though, there are still many problems, more research will soon come in my career.
En esta primera etapa, la instalación sólo permite disponer de dos lámparas de bajo consumo (cocina y dormitorio[14]), más adelante, cuando los beneficiarios hayan asimilado la instalación se pretende ampliar las aplicaciones de la energía eléctrica a:
§ Bombeo de agua.
§ Electrificación de alambrados.
§ Refrigeración.
§ Calefacción de agua.
Algunas consideraciones técnicas válidas se mencionan en este esquema básico de instalación solar:
Some valid technical considerations are mentioned in this basic plan of solar installation:
Los paneles solares son de fácil instalación, debiéndose tener en cuenta la proximidad de obstáculos que podrían producir sombra y disminuir su rendimiento. Una forma rápida de establecer cual es la distancia mínima a la que el panel solar debe encontrarse
The solar boards are easily installed, keep in mind the proximity of obstacles that would be able to produce a shadow and to diminish their performance. A fast way to figure this out, which is the minimum distance between the solar board and the obstacle (trees, a building, etc.) is by means of the following formula:
D = (Ho - Hm) x Fe
D = distancia de separación entre el obstáculo y los módulos.
Fe = factor de espaciamiento (depende de la latitud
Hm = altura de los módulos.
Ho = altura
D = distance of separation between the obstacle and the modules.
Fe = factor of espaciamiento (depends on the latitude of the place).
Hm = height of the modules.
Ho = height of the obstacle.
Latitud | Fe |
0 | 0.75 |
5 | 0.90 |
10 | 1.10 |
15 | 1.40 |
20 | 1.80 |
25 | 2.25 |
30 | 2.75 |
35 | 3.25 |
40 | 3.85 |
45 | 4.50 |
50 | 6.00 |
55 | 8.00 |
60 | 15.50 |
La posición exacta
Los elementos que conforman la instalación son estándares, es decir que todos los beneficiarios contarán con las mismas especificaciones y componentes técnicos.
La continuidad de este proyecto está sustentada en el aporte de las fuentes económicas que el grupo tiene. Hace suponer que (
Objetivos generales
1. Contribuir a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población a través de la utilización de energías alternativas.
1.1. Lograr la introducción de un equipo simple de panel solar en el medio rural marginal.
1.2. Promover procesos de reflexión en los beneficiarios acerca
1.3. Capacitar a los beneficiarios en la nueva tecnología solar incorporada.
General objectives
1. Contributing to improve the living conditions of the population through the alternatives energies utilization.
1.1. Achieving the introduction of a simple team of solar board in the marginal rural middle.
1.2. Promoting processes of reflection in the beneficiaries about the use and importance of the alternatives energies utilization (solar).
1.3. Qualifying the beneficiaries in the new solar technology incorporated.
Acciones propuestas y cronograma. (Proposed actions and timetable)
1.1. Lograr la introducción de un equipo simple de panel solar en el medio rural marginal. | |||||||||||||
Actividades proyectadas | Mes 1 | Mes 2 | Mes 3 | Mes 4 | Mes 5 | Mes 6 | Mes 7 | Mes 8 | Mes 9 | Mes 10 | Mes 11 | Mes 12 | |
1.1.1. Realización de un relevamiento de las potenciales familias beneficiarias del proyecto | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.1.2. Evaluación de la existencia de condiciones adecuadas para la instalación | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.1.3. Selección de las familias beneficiadas | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.1.4. Determinación de los recursos necesarios para las instalaciones | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.1.5. Coordinación de las actividades previas a la instalación con los beneficiarios | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.1.6. Instalación de los equipos de paneles solares | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.2. Promover procesos de reflexión en los beneficiarios acerca del uso e importancia de la utilización de energías alternativas (solar). | |||||||||||||
1.2.1. Organización de charlas en cada una de las potenciales familias beneficiarias del proyecto. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.2.2. Diseño e impresión de folletería acerca del uso e importancia de la utilización de energías alternativas. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.2.3. Entrega de folletería a las familias beneficiadas. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.3. Capacitar a los beneficiarios en la nueva tecnología solar incorporada. | |||||||||||||
1.3.1. Organización de cursos de capacitación sobre la instalación y mínimo mantenimiento de los equipos de panes solares. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1.3.2 Evaluación general del proceso | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Impacto esperado
Pasar de condiciones de vida menos favorables a más favorables, son aspectos que determinan un proceso de Promoción Humana. La posibilidad de contar con un recurso eléctrico en esta zona marginal, es sin duda un paso muy significativo para la población rural.
Se pretende que los habitantes rurales puedan asimilar este proyecto sobre la base de dos mecanismos. Por un lado, el tecnológico que implica acercar una energía alternativa sobre la base de la utilización concreta de paneles solares y accesorios y por otro lado, una socio cultural, que implica un cambio radical, ya sea en lo cultural como en el cambio de actitud que se debe producir en los beneficiarios ya que no cuentan con experiencias en el uso y aplicación de la corriente eléctrica.
De esta manera, se proyecta que los mismos pobladores puedan advertir las ventajas sobre el uso de la energía solar y determinar futuras aplicaciones que les permitan mejorar sus actividades y costumbres.
The Rest of the Project Proposal:
This is the funding portion. It is a tally of what we need to instate this project that “clearly” is necessary. Did we convince the funders?
Descripción recursos materiales y humanos
Recursos Humanos:
· Un coordinador de las actividades a desarrollar.
· Dos responsables de la ejecución de las instalaciones.
· Diez ayudantes: miembros
Recursos Materiales:
· Panel Solar 12V. 20 W.
· Lámparas tipo DULUX 9W.
· Balastro electrónico, convertidor 12V-200 VCA.
· Batería 12V. 65 Ah. Reforzada.
· Accesorios (cables, bornes, interruptores, soportes, elementos de fijación, zócalo, portalámparas).
· Fichas de diagnóstico.
· Folletos de difusión y capacitación.
Financiamiento y monto total que se necesita para viabilizar el proyecto:
En el presente presupuesto se detalla el valor monetario total que implicará la instalación de paneles solares. Sin embargo,
Aporte Rubros | Comunidad rural | Propio (contrapartida) | A subvencionar | |
Grupo de Voluntarios | UCC | |||
Relevamiento preliminar de las instalaciones | | 1800[15] | | |
Actividades previas a las instalaciones | 200 | | | |
- Panelas Solares p/10 familias (lámparas, baslastro electrónico, baterias, accesorios, etc.) | | | | 15000 |
- Folletos de difusión | | 300 | | |
- Folletos de capacitación | | 300 | | |
- Combustible, gastos de seguro y mantenimiento | | | | 1500 |
Instalación de los paneles solares | | 600 | | |
Totales generales por rubro | 200 | 3000 | 800 | 16500 |
Total general | | | | $ 20.500,00 |
Síntesis presupuestaria para las 10 instalaciones:
Aporte de la Comunidad Rural | $ 200,00 |
Aporte Propio | |
- Grupo de Voluntarios | 3000 |
- UCC | 800 |
Total aporte propio | 3800 |
A subvencionar | 16.500 |
Total del Proyecto | $ 20.500,00 |
Anexo 1.
Antecedentes de financiamiento y premios
Nombre | Fuente de financiamiento | Lugar | Monto |
Proyecto Prototipo de baños en zonas marginales de las sierras de Córdoba (2001) | Fundación Manos Unidas (España) | Costa Agua de las Piedras | $20.000 |
Proyecto de fortalecimiento de la acción voluntaria del VUCC - Voluntarios Universidad Católica de Córdoba (2004) | Fundación Adveniat (Alemania) | Agua de las Piedras. Costa Todos los Ongamira. | 5.000 |
Ampliación de Viviendas en Medios Marginales de las Sierras de Córdoba. | SELAVIP (Servicio Latinoamericano y Asiático de Vivienda Popular) ( | Costa | 5.500 |
Premio Presidencial Prácticas Solidarias | Ministerio de Educación ( | Agua de las Piedras | 800 |
Premio presidencial prácticas solidarias. | Ministerio de Educación ( | | 1.600 |
Proyecto experimental de pasturas. | Aporte propio | Todos los | 100 |
Proyecto Salud. Atención oftalmológica. | Aporte propio | Agua de las Piedras. Costa Todos los Ongamira. | 1.000 |
Apoyo escolar, catequesis y educación popular. | Aporte propio | Agua de las Piedras. Costa Todos los Ongamira. | 150 |
Premio | | | |
Premio presidencial prácticas solidarias en Educación Superior (2002). | Ministerio de Educación ( | | |
Proyectos en preparación | | | |
Reactivación económica en el medio rural | A subvencionar | Todos los Ongamira. | 6.000 |
Equipamiento Dispensario de Ongamira | A subvencionar | Ongamira. | 500 |
Equipamiento Salón de Usos Múltiples | A subvencionar | Costa | 1.000 |
Potabilización de agua en la localidad de Agua de las Piedras | A subvencionar | Agua de las Piedras | 80.000 |
Anexo 2.
Las imágenes corresponden a algunas de las familias beneficiaras de la zona de cobertura
Familia Peralta | Familia Moyano | Familia Moyano |
Familia Maldonado | Familia Ceballos | Familia Soria |
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VICERRECTORADO DE MEDIO UNIVERSITARIO. Personal interview at a meeting. March, 2006.
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[1] Morse, Stephen. Indices and indicators in development: an unhealthy obsession with numbers?
[2] World Development Report. Entering the 21st century. New York: Published for the World Bank, Oxford University Press, 2000
[3] Morse, Stephen. Indices and indicators in development: an unhealthy obsession with numbers?
[4] Yamarone, Richard. The trader’s guide to key economic indicators, 1st ed.
[5] Haque, Nadeem. The economic content of indicators of developing country creditworthiness. International Monetary Fund, IMF Working Papers, no. 96/9, 1996.
[6] World Development Report. Entering the 21st century. New York: Published for the World Bank, Oxford University Press, 2000
[7] Baumohl, Bernard. The secrets of economic indicators: hidden clues to future economic trends and investment opportunities.
[8] Black, Maggie; The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development; “Development is Political,”
[9]Ehrenreich, B. Global Woman.
[10] Oh, Seonghwan; Waldman, Michael. The macroeconomic effects of false announcements. Quarterly Journal of Economics v105, n4, November 1990.
[11] Ver antecedentes Anexo 1.
[12] Ver fotos en Anexo 2.
[13] Cabe aclarar que se tienen que disponer de grandes inversiones económicas para acceder a un medio de energía alternativa.
[14] Generalmente, la distribución habitacional es esa.
[15] Este valor esta calculado en un valor aproximado de $50 la hora de trabajo. El criterio para establecer el valor trabajo/hora ha sido considerar sobre un valor aproximado de la hora de docencia percibido por un Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos. En el monto consignado se calcula sobre 12 horas utilizadas por los voluntarios para el relevamiento, considerando que se destinó una hora por familia relevada a tal efecto. En cada relevamiento se necesita de 3 voluntarios que trabajan 6 horas diarias por dos sábados.
[16] Este valor es el considerado para la realización del relevamiento de las posibles familias beneficiarias, teniendo en cuento el traslado de los voluntarios a la zona, comida y comunicaciones por el período de dos meses.